Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Goal: How is the student attendance rate affected when students are involved with the fine arts organizations (Band, Choir, Dance, and Theatre) of my school?

Objective: To examine the daily attendance of students involved in the fine arts organizations throughout the first semester of the 2010-2011 school year.

My plan is in the following order:






1. Monitor daily attendance of students in the fine arts programs
Daily Attendance Report of each program or the head director can log the attendance through their Skyward attendance
Start Date:
End Date:
Head Directors of each program:
E. Collazo
S. Goforth
R. Heitzman
A. Taylor
Each week, the head directors will log which students in the program missed a day of school. The director will follow up to see if the day was excused, unexcused, doctor, etc.
The head directors will analyze the findings in their data and meet with the others to discuss the findings. This evaluation will be used for the staff development presentation, when deemed necessary by the school principal.

2. Conduct a survey from the students (through survey monkey) to collect data on why they attend school on a regular basis
Set up a survey through survey monkey; computer access for students during timeline
End Date:
Audra Taylor will set up the survey; head directors will ensure all students in their program complete the survey by deadline
Each head director will allow time for the students to participate in the survey during class or after school if the student cannot take the survey in their home. The head director will keep a log of all their students’ completion of the survey.
The head directors will analyze the data collected through the survey. If any information was shared by the students, we will use their quotes for the presentation.

3. Report the findings of the action research project to the faculty and staff of the school
Presentation needs would be a laptop, projector, and screen.
Start and End Date:
Second semester staff development day
Head directors will present with Audra Taylor as the lead presenter
A powerpoint presentation would be designed to report the findings of our topic to the staff and any other stakeholders who attend.
I would love to have a survey for the teachers to fill out at the end of the presentation to evaluate what they think about our topic.

If the outcome of this study comes out in a positive way, our school would need to find a way to get more students involved with some sort of activity so they would have a reason to attend school everyday. Something needs to motivate them especially when our school has so many students with very hard family lives. I really would like to survey the alumni of the programs as well and see if these programs were motivation for them when they were in school.


  1. I like the idea of this research! I do believe that students involved in other aspects of school feel more motivated to attend school regularly. Will you compare students' attendance record prior to being involved in extracurricular activities or to students not in extracurricular activities?

  2. Audra, we are doing some similar research here. My research is about why students choose to participate or not to participate in extra-curricular activities.

    Are you just giving surveys to students in your class, or are you giving the survey to students in other classes? Have you considered giving the survey to students not participating in extra-curricular activities?

  3. Hi Amy....thank you for your comment. I am leaning towards comparing the attendance records of students not involved in extracurricular activities. I want to prove to the teachers when our students are involved with some sort of activity at school, they attend on a regular daily basis. :-)

  4. Hi Greg, Thank you for your comment. I am thinking of giving the survey to my drill team girls and also to my dance students who are not in extra curricular activities. I am going to compare the data. Our school is going through some changes this year so I am working out the kinks. I appreciate your comment and I look forward to following your blog.
